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Showing posts from June, 2019

Groundwork - Part 2

This week, in preparation for my trips out into the wilderness to various hytter, I met with four people who know a lot about Norwegian cabin culture. You already heard from André Johansen, partner at the architecture firm Hamran/Johansen Architects, and Mette Habberstad, head of communications at the DNT. Below are some highlights from my other two meetings - with Trond Bjorli, historian and curator at the Norsk Folkemuseum, and Rikard Jaucis, architect at Snøhetta. Trond Bjorli, Curator at the Norsk Folkemuseum I met Trond at the Norsk Folkemuseum so he could show me two particular exhibits about Norwegian hytter. The first of these was a temporary exhibit called "Hytta - four walls around a dream." Various photographs of life in the hytte as well as common objects that accumulate there were on display. To give you a better idea of the spirit of the exhibit, here's the opening passage from the researchers that put it together: " A hytte is a place to get away

Groundwork - Part 1

This week, in preparation for my trips out into the wilderness to various hytter, I met with four people who know a lot about Norwegian cabin culture: two architects, a museum curator / historian, and the head of communications at the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT). Below are some highlights from the first two meetings. I’ll talk about the other two meetings in a separate post! André Severin Johansen, Partner at Hamran/Johansen Arkitekter André and his business partner Lars Hamran are serving as mentors for my research here in Norway. They are a big reason that I have this opportunity, and they have been so amazingly helpful every step of the way! André was actually responsible for connecting me with the other three people I was able to meet with. So, before I get started, I would like to extend a big thank you to André and Lars for all their help! André and Lars’ firm, Hamran/Johansen Arkitekter (HAJA for short!), has recently designed some contemporary Norwegian cabins th

Rask Tanke 1: The Statues of Oslo

I'm so impressed with the a lot of the statues I've seen in Oslo -  so full of life and excitement! I’ll take these action packed freeze frames over the stoicism of classical antiquity any day. LEARN NORWEGIAN Rask Tanke = quick thought (rosk tonk-eh) Research Update: still laying the groundwork for my research and going to lots of meetings. I depart for my first  hytte  this coming Monday!